What a great piece. Thank you for writing this Georgia. Your analogies were really creative, relatable, and easy to imagine. They made the piece easier to digest and it was almost like taking a peek into your mind to see how you imagined this predicament. This piece really made me reflect back to the days where I lived my life as if I was floating along the waves, influenced and molded by the forces of those around me, having no power in deciding who I was or what I should be doing for my life. I was never honest with myself and lived life based on how everyone else wanted me to live it. You are right — we do need honesty and vulnerability to align ourselves with the truth. We need to be able to discover who we truly are and refrain from wearing masks fearing judgment from others.
Love this quote by the way:
To live a truly satisfied life, we must live as we ARE not as we want OTHERS TO SEE US.
Thanks again for sharing this powerful piece Georgia. Looking forward to what you have for us next!