Love the honesty — I really believe that porn has given many young men an easy way out of developing themselves as men and as individuals. The rational mind is dangerous since it allows you to engage in mental gymnastics and find every reason not to admit that you are addicted and that it is not harmful to your life.
Instead, you are able to rationalize that masturbating to porn is healthy and just a way to relieve stress, when the scientific literature shows that the brain is negatively affected. In the next 10–20 years, we are probably going to see more studies confirming the findings of porn negatively affecting the brain and hurting the development of young adults (specifically men). You can also see that with increased exposure to porn, people are becoming desensitized to the “normal” and are looking to extreme forms of sex to find stimulation — fetishes are on the rise and things that were unheard of only a few years ago are becoming normalized. This is clearly a sign that we are going down a destructive road.
Thanks for writing this man! What’s your name? I’d like to address you by your name instead of calling you “Imperfect Dude” if that’s okay with you.