Hi Mabvuto,
Thanks for reading and for sharing your observations. I agree that many of our problems come from our loss of individuality, which comes in the form of responsibility. We each must adopt a sense of duty and live by a moral code that puts importance on the sovereign individual. We must believe that we each have a moral responsibility to take care of ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.
If we all respectively aimed for the greatest possible good that we could conceive of, and actively worked toward that goal, what kind of a world would we live in? If we could all stop pointing fingers at one another and decide to each set our own houses in order before criticizing the world, perhaps we could live with more harmony.
I know it is quite the naive attitude but I really do think there is a great future for humans if we can all, frankly speaking, get our shit together and aim for the greater future of humanity as a whole.
Thank you for your thought provoking comment!