Hi Becky,
Thank you for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts on my piece. You’re right — there are victims of sexual abuse who suffer, and I’d like to explore that idea a bit more. But I’d like to explore this a bit further and break it down into specific instances.
Could you please show me instances where they have suffered after going through a fair process? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to start anything — I simply want to see your side and understand where you’re coming from. You made the claim that victims of sexual abuse who pursue due process are denied of justice. You said that they suffer more abuse by the court system and other members of society.
These claims sound plausible and I can see it being the case, but the burden of proof is on you to show me these cases and I can try to make a fairer judgment from there. Again, please don’t take this as me trying to disprove your claim — I want to lay out the evidence and walk through it together. I believe these generalizations disallow us from making a fair case for every situation.
Also, you’re right — my focus of the argument was on the people who are accused wrongfully. But again, the burden of proof is on you to show me that the majority of the victims of sexual abuse are ruined socially and economically. You also say most of them will never receive due process — we can explore that as well by analyzing the evidence and historical trials that substantiate this claim.
I understand where you’re coming from — you want to protect those who are dispossessed, who suffer under corruption and evil. You want to protect the people who are seemingly powerless under the current system, and you want to bring the hammer of justice down on those who break the law and take advantage of others. I respect that and I admire your empathy.
I think most people want the truth to come out — they want to know what really happened and desire justice to be served. But I think due process is necessary to keep us from returning to angry mobs who can dictate unfair convictions and witch hunts.
Thanks again for critically evaluating my piece and showing me some blind spots I had neglected. Let me know what you think! I look forward to conversing with you and listening to your side :)