Hey Salman! Thanks for reading and for sharing your thoughts. I know that the absurdity of life can be overwhelming to think about, and the fact that we will never have a surefire answer is the most frustrating part. It is our burning curiosity to know about the world that is a double-edged sword.
You don’t have to figure out this thing called “life” so early on. In fact, people live their whole lives learning who they are. People live their whole lives trying to understand this world, but those who proclaim that they have figured out the ‘answer’ to the mystery of life are still lost. They are still operating on faith. They are still believing in an idea that cannot be objectively proven. Because who gets to determine what objectivity is? Who gets to ultimately decide what the ultimate truth is?
If one declares that they know the answer to the unanswerable, be wary.
I know it makes your head spin when you try to think about the absurdity of life. You cannot ignore life because you are a being who is experiencing it in every second. This struggle that you are going through is not in vain. In fact, I believe that the pain you are feeling will help you remember the lessons you learn in this process forever.
Direct your curiosity to sources of knowledge. Many people in history have tried to answer the same question you are asking. What is the meaning of life? What does this all mean, and why is everything so absurd? Why are we here? What am I supposed to do here?
Start with the people who played with the idea of absurdity. Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Martin Buber, Martin Heidegger. Even I haven’t read many of their works but we can always start with the basics. If you pick up their book and their words don’t make sense, go even smaller. Read a synopsis of their books. Read a general idea of their philosophy, and go slowly. They will make sense to you when you are ready to receive their knowledge. You have to treat their works with respect — just because it doesn’t make sense to you with your current set of knowledge doesn’t mean their words are worthless or nonsensical. You will be able to understand their ideas and even one day be able to develop your own philosophy and way of life if you put in the work.
So don’t ignore the absurdity of life. Do your best to understand and educate yourself. Keep learning and growing — your curiosity will guide you to the ideas that most interest you. Follow what calls to you and what interests you. You will find an answer or at least get closer to the answer you are looking for.
Thanks again for reading!