Hey Rkayell,
Great question! I would say that while it hasn’t really changed my life permanently (because I’m pretty lazy and procrastinate on my writing), it has definitely shifted how I perceive writing and how I should approach life itself. I have a few guesses as to why people are resonating with this story:
- People want to hear some tough love — someone who gives them a hard time but at the same time believes in their potential
- People always love the classic retribution story — a tough teacher who purposefully doubts the protagonist’s skills and potential to see if the protagonist has the mental fortitude to believe in himself, humble himself, and learn from the teacher’s wisdom.
- People have had similar experiences in the real world and can relate to some degree with how this interview went.
- By reading this piece, they were able to understand their shadow side a bit more — the overly critical and judgmental side of our conscience that is powerful and speaks the truth about us without holding back. The only thing is, just because the shadow tells the truth doesn’t mean there isn’t a way for us to fight back and put it in its place.
These are only a few of my guesses, and it would be very interesting to hear what your guess is! Do you believe you felt or thought any of the things that I listed above, or was it something else? I’d love to hear about it :)
Thanks again for reading!