Hey Raph,
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. Your comments always make me think a bit harder about my own philosophy; I tend to speak like my way of viewing the world is the objective and correct way to view the world. I guess you can’t blame me since we’ve all got to live like that right? I think I’m just trying to figure it out and I also do acknowledge that I say things in my excitement that may seem like I’m disregarding every other way of living/enjoying a fulfilling life.
I can acknowledge that there are people who live like there is nothing inherently wrong about doing nothing and playing games on your bed all day. There’s also nothing objectively wrong with accumulating fame and wealth. You don’t have to believe what I believe in and I can acknowledge that what you believe in is just as fair and real as what I believe in as of now. My beliefs might change. You certainly bring up very strong points.
But I’m acknowledging a philosophy that helped me out during a tough time and I’m sharing the bits and pieces of wisdom that I found helpful for me during my struggles. We can talk about specifics all day, but what I’m interested in is finding compelling reasons to find a purpose in life for myself and help others find their own along their way. It’s certainly helped me get out of some rough moments in my life and other people have found what I’ve written helpful. Even if it may not be objectively true, I don’t think I want to even focus on that aspect too much. I want to share what is pragmatically true. I want to share things that people can use to change their perspective on certain things in life and even if the things I say might not be objectively true, if it helps someone change their lives for the better, does it really matter? I’m doing what I think is right for me and if it is helping people and not really “misleading” people, I don’t think there’s really a point in debating about what is actually “true”.
I don’t even know if what I said made sense LOL. (I’m still trying to figure my own beliefs and life out — cut me some slack!) I’m also not trying to start a religion or anything haha.
I really do enjoy your questions though Raph. Again, I like that you make me constantly reflect on my own values and perspectives and I’m happy that someone like you is here to keep me grounded and contemplative. To be honest, at first I was a bit annoyed and was wondering why you would go out of your way to criticize my way of thinking… but I really think your inputs are valuable and it makes me wrestle with flaws in my thinking.
Keep em coming man! Thanks again for reading.