Hey Moumita,
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. It’s true — self-doubts are such a huge part of every writer’s life. I’ve realized that my ability to rationalize is dangerous. I am able to make legitimate and great excuses for not writing or not publishing, all with the guise of “finding my voice by writing privately” or “studying more material by reading more”. While they are definitely strong arguments for getting better at writing and thinking, I can see them as regressive in the long run — when does it end? When can you objectively get better? Who can be the judge? Because we ourselves obviously cannot judge ourselves fairly — most of the times we are either too harsh or too generous toward ourselves and our creations.
It’s hard but I need to constantly realize that the self-doubts will never go away — I’ll just have to get better at silencing them and crushing them with action. If I can’t think myself out, I’ll have to take action and try to move forward. Thanks again for leaving a comment on my piece Moumita — I really appreciate it.