Hey KC Harris, thanks for the shoutout. I’m happy you found my piece helpful and I’m honored that it drove you to start writing (even though I’m sure there were many other influences before me). I’m excited to see what you find out about yourself through this new journey.
Writing everyday is not an easy task — especially if you’re publishing it and attempting to write something useful or interesting. But the most important lesson that I remember learning was this: Write whatever comes to your head with brutal honesty. It may be embarrassing to admit certain things, but you must think about the other people who might be facing similar issues that you’re going through but have no courage or motivation to speak out about their experiences.
I think I continue to write for moments like this one. I love when someone reaches out and tells me about their own struggles.I love when I can feel like I helped someone overcome their doubts or push them to take the first step. When I write, I start out by thinking about what I personally want to write, not what others might want to read. The pieces that I’ve had most fun writing were the ones that I personally thought was interesting or insightful. If the words aren’t coming out naturally, I believe it is one of these reasons:
- you’re not being honest enough
- you need to go experience more things in life (do new things, create, experiment) — basically take action first and then write about what you were thinking and feeling and what you learned
- you’re not interested in what you’re writing
Anyways, enough of my rambling… thanks again for reading KC! I’ll be keeping an eye on your progress and I’ll be looking forward to the insights you learn throughout your journey. I hope you strive to become a better version of yourself every day.