Hey Heidi,
Thanks for your constant support! You’re right — sometimes I can be a little too critical and unforgiving toward myself. While it helps keep me from becoming complacent, it also negatively affects me mentally at times. Sometimes I just need to step back and take it easy 🙂 thanks for helping me come to that realization.
I feel like my desire for self-development can turn into a never ending chase for perfection if I’m not careful. I might end up comparing myself to ideals that can never be achieved, and burn myself out trying. This constant evolution has a negative side to it — In some way, I do not believe that my current self is good enough. When does one decide that they are good enough? What are the metrics used to measure it? I guess that’s what I have to find out next :)
And I’m still in awe of my followers! I never thought I could reach 1,000, and now I’m at 2,000. I’m excited to see where I can go with this!