Great piece Jonathan. I’d been thinking the same for myself, so I started writing privately instead of trying to “keep up the momentum” in fear of losing my followers. I also noticed the abysmal statistics and find myself too wrapped up in analyzing them. The recent homepage of Medium has been really bad lately — all pushing locked content and basically putting up a middle finger to those who’ve been around and the ones who’ve recently joined. That being said, I guess they gotta get their money somehow…
It looks like you have a lot on your plate, so it’s understandable to see you leave. I hope you drop in from time to time and let us know how you’re doing. Your pieces are of the few that I love reading when I actually do get to read something on Medium. (Did that sentence make sense? I hope it made sense)
Also loved this part.
But I also am tired of people choosing to read something and then leaving an idiotic reply that shows they didn’t read the whole story. Or one where they allow their own personal biases to play a role in how they “took” the story.
I write my stories from my point-of-view with an intentional tone. I don’t represent anyone else, no matter what it’s about. It shocks me how many commenters think everything ever written is about them and their life. It’s not. STFU. When you’ve written zero stories, but make negative comments every day nobody gives a sh*t. We all know it’s you, not us.
I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that people who never create are life’s biggest critics. They perch themselves on a high horse and point out the flaws of everyone, while never allowing themselves to be the subjects of criticism. The cowardice is apparent to everyone but them.
Thanks for always telling it like it is. Your honesty is your strength. Good luck with all your future endeavors!